Working with GitHub API in Python

Working with GitHub API in Python

When retrieving data from the internet, we often request entire web pages and extract the desired information by parsing HTML scripts. However, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) offer a more efficient approach to accessing and retrieving data.

This tutorial aims to guide you through creating a self-contained application that utilizes an API to gather information and generate summaries based on that data. Specifically, we will focus on fetching information about Python projects from GitHub using the GitHub API. Additionally, we will demonstrate how to summarize the obtained information effectively.


In this article we will go through:

  • Using an API call to request data.

  • Installation of requests library.

  • Keeping track of an API response.

  • Using the response dictionary.

  • Summing up the top repositories.

Requesting data using an API call

GitHub’s web API allows you to make API requests for a range of data.

Type the following into your web browser URL bar and press Enter to see how an API call appears like:

Let's break down the components of the API call:

  • The URL "" is used to send the request to the GitHub web server specifically designed for handling API calls.

  • "search/repositories" is the endpoint that instructs the API to search within all of GitHub's repositories.

  • The "?" symbol indicates that an argument is going to be passed to the API.

  • "q=" signifies the start of the query parameter.

  • "language:python" specifies that the API should search for repositories that primarily use Python as their programming language.

  • "&sort=stars" indicates that the retrieved projects should be sorted based on the number of stars they have received.

Upon fetching the API data, the response will look like:

NOTE: The output above shows only the first few lines of the response.

Let’s examine the output:

  • In the second line of the result, you can see that GitHub has detected a total of 7668509 Python projects.

  • We know the request was successful if the value for incomplete results is false.

  • The key items holds a list of objects that contains information of the Python-based projects on GitHub.

Let’s try to explore more information by parsing the API’s output using Python.

Installing requests

The requests package enables us to request data from the website and evaluate the result easily using a Python program.

Firstly, before starting with the installation process, make sure that Python and pip are installed before requests module installation.

To check if pip is installed,open the command prompt and run the following command pip --version

To install therequests library for Python, we have to navigate to the Python directory,

Example C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Lib and then install the request module as follows:

python -m pip install requests

Processing an API response

To fetch the most starred Python projects on GitHub, we’ll start writing a program that will make an API call and evaluate the data as shown:

import requests

# Create an API request 
url = ''
response = requests.get(url)
print("Status code: ", response.status_code)
# In a variable, save the API response.
response_dict = response.json()
# Evaluate the results.

Let’s understand the code snippet above:

  • We begin by importing the requests module.

  • Then, we use the requests package to make the API call to the particular url using get().

  • The API response is saved by a variable called response.

  • The status_code attribute of the response object indicates if the request was complete.

  • A successful API call returns the status_code 200, while an unsuccessful one returns 500.

  • Then, we use the json() function to convert the information from JSON format to a Python dictionary.

  • We store the converted JSON in response_dict.

Then, we print the keys from response_dict, which are as follows:

Using the response dictionary

Now, let’s make a report that sums up all the information.

Here, we will be calculating the total number of available repositories with language as Python, and fetch all the keys under items as shown:

import requests

# Make an API call 
url = ''
j = requests.get(url)
print("Status code:", j.status_code)
# In a variable, save the API response.
respons_dict = j.json()
print("Total repositories:", respons_dict['total_count'])
# Explore information about the repositories.
repos_dicts = respons_dict['items']
print("Repositories found:", len(repos_dicts))
# Examine the first repository.
repos_dict = repos_dicts[0]
print("Keys:", len(repos_dict))
for key in sorted(repos_dict.keys()):

Let’s understand the code snippet above:

  • The value linked with the total_count reflects the count of GitHub Python projects available.

  • The value of items is a list of dictionaries, each providing information about a single Python repository.

  • The list of dictionaries is then saved in repos_dicts.

  • We select the first item from repos_dicts to look more closely at the information given about each repository.

  • Finally, we print the all of keys of an item.

Below is the output:

The GitHub API gets back a range of data for every repository like:

  • status_code as 200.

  • Total number of repos as 7694326.

  • Total number of repos found as 30.

  • Each repository repo_dict having 74 keys.

You may get a sense of the type of information you can get about a repository by observing these keys.

Let’s have a look at what some of the keys in repo _dict entail:

## Make an API call 
url = ''
j = requests.get(url)
print("Status code:", j.status_code)
# Store API response in a variable.
respons_dict = j.json()
print("Total repositories:", respons_dict['total_count'])

# Explore information about the repositories.
repos_dicts = respons_dict['items']
print("Repositories returned:", len(repos_dicts))
# Examine the first repository.
repos_dict = repos_dicts[0]
print("\nThe following is some information regarding the first repository:")
print('Name:', repos_dict['name'])  #print the name of the project
print('Owner:', repos_dict['owner']['login'])  #use the key owner and the the key login to access the dictionary representing the owner and the owner’s login name respectively.
print('Stars:', repos_dict['stargazers_count'])  #print how many stars the project has earned
print('Repository:', repos_dict['html_url'])  #print URL for the project’s GitHub repository
print('Created:', repos_dict['created_at'])  #print when it was created
print('Updated:', repos_dict['updated_at'])  #show when it was last updated
print('Description:', repos_dict['description']) #print the repository’s description


Examining the output:

  • You can observe that the most popular Python repository on GitHub is public-apis.

  • Owner of the repository is public-apis.

  • It has been starred more than 140,000 times.

  • Project was created on the date of 2016 March.

  • Project description of public-apis is collective collection of open APIs.

Sum top repositories

To analyze multiple repositories obtained from the API call, we can create a loop that prints specific information about each repository. The loop will iterate over the repositories and extract the desired information. By doing this, we can analyze and display information about each repository individually.

import requests
url = ''
r = requests.get(url)
print("Status code:", r.status_code)
respons_dict = r.json()
print("Total repositories:", respons_dict['total_count'])

repos_dicts = respons_dict['items']
print("Repositories returned:", len(repos_dicts))
print("\nSelected information about each repository:")
for repos_dict in repos_dicts:   #loop through all the dictionaries in repo_dicts.
    print('\nName:', repos_dict['name'])
    print('Owner:', repos_dict['owner']['login'])
    print('Stars:', repos_dict['stargazers_count'])
    print('Repository:', repos_dict['html_url'])
    print('Description:', repos_dict['description'])


We print the name of each project, its owner, the number of stars it has, its GitHub URL, and the project’s description inside the loop:


In this tutorial, we have gone over the following:

  • Using an API call to request data.

  • Installing requests.

  • Processing an API response.

  • Using the response dictionary.

  • Summing up the top repositories.

Happy coding!